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Americans with health insurance will be PUSHED OUT of the Health Care System
to make room for those who have NO Medical Insurance!

Compare hospitals to a teacup and patients to tea.
Children know they cannot pour tea into a teacup that is FULL.
ObamaCare is like pouring tea into a teacup that is FULL.
What happens? Tea (patients) will spill out all over the place!
Compare hospitals to a gas tank and patients to gas.
ObamaCare is like adding 12 gallons of gas to a 10 gallon gas tank.
What happens? Gas (patients) will spill out all over the place! It is dangerous!

Children are smarter than President Obama.
Children know you CANNOT ADD 30 MILLION to a Health Care System that is FULL.

It is MEDICAL INSANITY to add 30 MILLION to a Health Care System that is FULL.
What happens? Millions will be PUSHED OUT of the Health Care System
with Health Care RATIONING and DELAYS in Medical Care!
This is dangerous! Patients will die!
ObamaCare PUSHES 30 MILLION into a Health Care System that is FULL.
What happens?
EXPAND the Health Care System BEFORE adding 30 MILLION uninsured patients!
A Practical SOLUTION