The Government (of the U.S. of Hollywood) BORROWED 20 TRILLION dollars to give the "GRAND ILLUSION" of Freedom and Prosperity. When this "GRAND ILLUSION" disappears, Americans will discover they are wearing the chains of slavery made with 20 TRILLION dollars of debt. To pay this debt, 68 MILLION Americans must work FULL TIME at minimum wage for 20 YEARS. They will give ALL their paychecks (100% tax rate) to the Government. This is Economic Slavery! Plus, the Government has 40+ TRILLION in unfunded debt -- more chains and shackles of Economic Slavery!
100% tax rates are for slaves. The Government (of the U.S. of Hollywood) has a better way to take money -- Stealth Taxes (hidden taxes). Americans pay higher car registration fees, higher permit fees, higher home improvement fees, higher driver's license fees, higher utility fees, and higher property taxes. This makes ALL Americans poorer! The Government takes this money -- and wants more!

The Government wants more money from businesses. Business owners have a choice: 1) pay higher taxes and go out of business, or 2) pay higher taxes and raise prices. Taxes are making everything we buy cost more -- this makes ALL Americans poorer! The Government takes this money -- and wants more!

If you do nothing -- the Government (of the United States of Hollywood) will continue to take more money -- until the sad day arrives when you will have nothing!
In the LAST 4 years, politicians borrowed 5 TRILLION dollars
and gave Hollywoodites more than 3+ TRILLION Dollars in cash and benefits.
Hollywoodites RE-ELECTED them!
In the NEXT 4 years, politicians will borrow another 5 TRILLION dollars
and will give Hollywoodites another 3+ TRILLION in cash and benefits!
Who pays the extra 10 TRILLION DOLLARS of debt?
The Founding Fathers of the United States believed improper taxes was a form of slavery. They believed excessive taxes expands the Government and reduces Economic Freedom and Prosperity. The opposite of Economic Freedom is Economic Slavery. The day our Founding Fathers worried about has arrived. Taxpayers are Economic Slaves! The United States of Hollywood is the Slave Master.

The Government (of the U.S. of Hollywood) spends TRILLIONS of dollars to give Hollywoodites FREE Welfare, FREE Government benefits, and FREE Luxury Retirement Programs! The majority of this is borrowed money! Children (and those who have not been born) will be FORCED to pay this debt. It is Economic Slavery to tax (confiscate) TRILLIONS of dollars in wages from those who cannot vote.

In the LAST 4 years, Government BORROWED 5 TRILLION DOLLARS. It will take 87 MILLION Americans working full time at minimum wage for 4 YEARS to pay this debt. They will give ALL their paychecks (100% tax rate) to the Government. This is Economic Slavery! Politicians will BORROW
another 5 TRILLION dollars for the NEXT 4 years! More Economic Slavery!
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"Stealth Taxes"... the NEW WAY for Politicians to CREATE POVERTY.